In Germany, burger can be served as quick as how Malaysian cooks the instant noodles. Let's take a look on how to prepare this instant burger and you rate it later.....Instant CheeseBurger or Ramli Burger huh? :)
Packed in can....
All you need to do is boil it.........
However, it does not look tasty at all..whatmore if we are comparing it to our RAMLI BURGER...
I came across t-shirt in a can (from Japan I believe), which you just take the "piece of clothe" out from the can, then soak in the water for a while... then you have your t-shirt! I saw that in Beijing by myself but did not buy...
looks yummy too..but yea..i agreed with u..i will rather go for Mc D.
when u know where to buy and the price, dont forget to let me know ya... hopefully can get ur msg at my blogs cbox or comments place.. ^_^