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Showing posts from April, 2010

Its never easy! Take the Challenge!

Who said life is forever smooth sailing? No one would admit this to be true, don't you? If you meet difficulties, then you are living. Otherwise, it will be just one straight line. In hospital, it would mean that person is Dead! Its the same with life. Hence, as we meet with tough times in life, be strong and survive through the storm. It is part of living. Just Don't Give Up!

Give Change a Chance

Most of us may end up staying at where we are when we decided that change no longer need a chance. Didn't we? We do live a comfortable life or at least no longer need to toil with sweat to have a good living compared to our ancestors. But, does that mean we shall just let it stay as it is? Ask yourself, what do you want to do with your life? Remain like this forever? Give it a thought....especially for those who live a good life but not a life that he/she wanted to have...

ONE Gifted Life

This is just a reminder to all of us. 1. Our life is a gift. 2. Always remember none of us is perfect in ALL ways 3. Don't get too stress up when things doesn't flow the way you think it should have been. Appreciate the precious gift given to us -ONE LIFE-

Let Go

Read this from somewhere and feels that it is not only worth sharing but sets a constant reminder for myself too.. Yes, of course, you want to control so everything happens in just the way you want it. But at the end of the day, we control nothing, - it's all in God's hands, - has always been, and will always be. So, do what you can, and then let go, and let God handle the rest.

Just a Look!

Been Sick and Having Lots to Catch Up

The weather lately has been torturing. It all started with terrible heat since Chinese New Year in Feb and continued until past weeks where it followed by with heavy rain in the evening after burning sun during the early hours in the day. The moody weather has caused so many to fall ill, including me. It all started with throat infection, followed with mild fever, then ulcer and flu subsequently. Thank God, I am good to say that I have fully recovered after a full week of recovery process. Although there is still a slight feeling of tiredness, it should be okie.... The downside is, my work has been progressing extremely slow since I fall ill. There are tonnes of stuff to catch up at work and pending to be closed. :( Being sick is so Pricey! Friends out there-->> Please take a good care of your health. Drink plenty of water and get good rest whenever you can. Don't fall ill like me!