The weather lately has been torturing. It all started with terrible heat since Chinese New Year in Feb and continued until past weeks where it followed by with heavy rain in the evening after burning sun during the early hours in the day. The moody weather has caused so many to fall ill, including me.
It all started with throat infection, followed with mild fever, then ulcer and flu subsequently.
Thank God, I am good to say that I have fully recovered after a full week of recovery process. Although there is still a slight feeling of tiredness, it should be okie....
The downside is, my work has been progressing extremely slow since I fall ill. There are tonnes of stuff to catch up at work and pending to be closed. :(
Being sick is so Pricey!
Friends out there-->> Please take a good care of your health. Drink plenty of water and get good rest whenever you can. Don't fall ill like me!